Remediating distances

IMGjournal 03/2020

in coedizione con l’Università di Bologna

Remediating distances

a cura di Matteo Treleani, Francesco Zucconi

ISBN: 9788899586164

This issue of img journal aims to question the dialectic between distance and proximity in the configurations and reconfigurations made possible by new media from a long-term historical and theoretical perspective. As Carlo Ginzburg points out, within Western culture the term distance takes on both a concrete and a metaphorical meaning and its social, ethical and political implications need, today more than ever, to be investigated.

It will therefore first of all be a question of recounting, describing and analyzing the multiple forms of experimentation that followed the requirements of physical and social distancing, as well as modulation of proxemics, in the months of maximum spread of the pandemic. Contributors can explore the mutual adjustment between practices, constraints, hybridizations and braconnages aimed at adjusting the restrictions of technical and social protocols. Secondly, this is the occasion to reflect, relying on an archaeological approach, on present and past experimentations that have considered distance and presence as a media effect; on the emotional component of distance; on social distancing as a biopolitical technology and thus on the implications in terms of community and immunity of visual culture; on the relations between artistic field and geographical space; on media as transport through time and space.